What’s unsuitable with celeb health recommendation? And what usually makes celebrities AWFUL health function fashions?
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I want to look like Lee Pace, but that just aint gonna happen
Yeah I usually workout 2-3 times a week. Yet I am trying to add more protein to my diet.
damn what is wrong with gregs voice-
Tell me you've just discovered the fitness industry without telling me you've just discovered the fitness industry…
I laugh when guys like Greg Doucette and More Plates Dude are always pointing fingers at other fitness people when the reason Greg/More Plates Dude, etc look the way they do is because they take illegal, dangerous drugs themselves. Reminds me of the spiderman pointing fingers meme.
It’s not rocket science. Just lift heavy shit, run, and eat normal damn food. People know what health and fitness entails, but are obsessed with finding shortcuts.
I'm glad people are starting to see the fake fitness industry as it is.
Having huge muscle is stupid in terms of survival and health, requires way to much food.
Celeb diets: Chicken breast, broccoli and Trembolone
Men's Health gets some things right. E.g. if you want to NOT have dentures, you have to become a flossing brushing fanatic in your 30's onward, and you can make pizza at home, it isn't that hard….that's all I can recall from 30 years ago.
Zac Efron said getting that body broke him physically and mentally.
never listen to celebrities because celebrities don't do their own research or have much experience in what works, they just do what they are told by their trainer tells them to optimally hit an aesthetic ideal for a very small period of time. Also the peds.
Hollywood stars, steroids!
To be honest many celebrities have spoken out about how shitty they felt when they need to muscle up for a role. So I think they are actually telling peope the truth. That while they might look great on camera they feel like complete shit. Which is probably true.
no one was misleading by them i mean they all say to not doing it… those who misleading are the guys on instagram and youtube
3:44 wtf is he even training for right calve ? and that biceps exercice is average
It's called trenbolone. That's the only way to get big muscles fast
I wonder if Vshred paid Bill for that comment about this channel’s VShred video? How would they pay for something like that?
6000 calories a day, 2200 pushups a day, 3 hours of sleep a night and 33 degrees of BS for the credulous masses. Nothing like a few subliminal winks and nods between brothers.👁️🔼…😏
dude your channel and content is on point. You're doing god's work
The most calories I clocked in one day was 4,500. I'm 5 foot 8 and at the time I was 200 pounds and on hormones. I don't think people understand how hard it is to eat above 4,000 calories lol
The best asset Magnus Lygdback has is that he knows a good pharmacist.
That is why many Hollywood actors use him when they need to bulk up much muscles in a short time.
And to think that yesterday I unsuscribed from Men's health😂
I’m not trying to start something but everyone unless your like David goggins once certain people reach their goal of fitness and has maintained it for a while it would or could lead to them going to a crash diet
@7:53…. And that dude in the middle just died at the age of 30
plus. if the celeberity doesnt hits the marks when they shot. they just give them a body suit then CGI everything else…. but then again. like 90% of people. they are scared and insecure as hell as to what they are and who they are… your body health is great but if your mind isnt there too… your just hiding behind muceles that mean nothing .. the saying goes " the pen is mighter then the sword" your mind will always out do brawn EDIT. also like mannnny things in "HUMAN HEALTH" WE need to be better then THEM" its the age old fight of them vs us. our primtive brasin scared and insecure that a club could come out of no where if we let THEM get ahead of US.
I've been following Mario & Sean for years…they're both wonderfully refreshing with how honest and straightforward they are in the midst of all the BS out there!
not one mention of carbohydrates ?? As the brain is a junkie for CHO/sugar, these guys must have 24/7 migraine headaches !!
I think you can actually trust Hugh Jackman’s routine, he looked ripped like that for 20 years straight and stayed healthy
Why would I follow any advice of people who usually play in stupid movies? If they only invested as much in intelligent writing, story-telling and minimally credible action sequences as they do in their ridiculously intensive work-out regimen. Why should I admire the muscles of someone who uses them to fight with computer-animated gorrilas or drag metal boxes around a city behind his car?
I think the best advice to sports in general is:
Do something you will do consistency
I know everyone hated on Rich Piana but I appreciated his honesty. He never lied about using steroids, and even though he had a supplement line he always said that getting your nutrients from actual food was better
The amount of bro science in the fitness community is equally hilarious. My trainer insisted that working out would boost testosterone. I started an extremely intense 8 week program and got a blood test beforehand. At the end of the 8 weeks of workouts and heavy protein no junk food diet I got another blood test. My t levels went up 5 points LOL. When I told my trainer that he went "oh thats great!" and continued to insist that working out boosted t levels. Yeah no, it doesnt. Maybe if you were 500 pounds and eating doritos every day it might. The most shocking thing for me about getting into workouts was seeing how little time most big dudes actually spend working out. You really only need 30m to an hour a day and not even 7 days a week. But you've got guys like aquaman there saying he was working out 6 hours a day. That is just a joke.
It does feel hard to get good advice as most workout plans are designed for joe average soccer day that has never worked out a day in his life and consist of beginner level advice. And the reality is a LOT of these dudes are juicing with either steroids or trt. I am surprised you seemed to downplay that so much in the video as this is the main reason they are all lying so much. They dont want to admit they took drugs so they claim they are working out in unrealistic ways in order to make themselves sound superhuman. People think "oh I cant work out 6 hours a day thats too hard thats why he is so big" without realizing that much working out would be pointless the body cannot take that much stress and needs more recovery time. At best it would be inefficient. The Rock is a great example as the guy is juiced to the eyeballs but posting pics of himself working out with a hoodie on every day trying to show off how dedicated he is and really he just works harder than everyone else. Uh huh, sure you do bro.
We need an anti-marketing add… .how do we market it?
Like always , they lie to you for their own gains. In this context they exaggerate the effort and numbers to create a "wow" factor or maybe sell supplements.
🫡 Very very good Josh been in the industry for 20 years hate what it's becoming and has become. I actually give lectures and meditations for my clients and classes to keep them focused on overall health. This comes up often Thank you for your work!
It's tragic, even pathetic. My boyfriend has a better body than most of these celebs. He has a manual job where he is climbing 100k steps a week AND he spends 10 hours a week lifting weights in the gym. He's done this consistently for 10 years. He thinks he doesn't look good, doesn't have enough muscle. In the gym he's surrounded by men on steroids (who keep telling him to take steroids but he refuses). He's really shredded, probably 7% body fat (I am 14% BF). I do all I can to make him understand he is at a level of perfection that 99% of us can only dream of attaining. But still he is depressed and dissatisfied. I hate fitness influencers and the media.
They have millions of dollars, do this for a job and also have access to world class trainers and steroids. We on the other hand don’t.
How to build muscle like The Rock? Gear. Lots and lots of gear.
featuring mario tomic lol that guy is as credible as a scam call centre employee
Men's Health is a complete joke. Please don't ever take anything they say seriously.
i would say Please dont follow ANY fitness industry advices. I see people suffer for years not liking their bodies, training splits/muscle groups of any kind, stuffing themselfv with all the industry has to offer, proteins, amino acids, all kinds of nonsense to a natural bodybuilder like me, and yet, they are not having results. why ? because they are training like fitness trainers on a few cycles did, and made their gains. i have NEVER saw a person who made even close to my body with splits without peds. i am yet to see that level of protein synthetsis in a natural homosapiens. BUT you can look like on steroids to most of people, if you do what i say next. Train everyday every muscle group till near faiilure, repeate tomorrow, repeat tomorrow, repeat tomorrow, keep repeating while one day you try to repeat it and simply detect near injury feelings in your body. It is AS SIMPLE as that. you need to break metabolites, lactic acid and 100+ others, every day. when your body gets used to it, you will not get as sore as months before. you can train even weeks in a row without any rest day. your workouts will not be the same but similar. also, you DO NOT NEED protein outside food source. you DO NOT NEED creatine outside foodsource. you DO NOT NEED bcaa, reactors or ANYTHING fitness industry has to offer. They WILL promote doing splits and muscle group trainings, because you will have very limited achievements until you hit a plato, then you will think, like 90% of population, that you did everything you could, the fitness products will feel the blank…and thats what makes you a sucker, a buyer, a manipulated person by guys who are telling you REST IS NEEDED, OVERTRAINING IS BAD, they will keep you in a state of constant fear, and keep you hooked on products that will get you lots of water in your body, you will see that water, glycogen and excessive stool in you, as gainz, you will be happy for a while, THAN when you stop using products that really made you zero gainz, you will loose water and all fake gainz, and then you will suffer mentally, cause fitness industry just told you youve lost muscles. and people like me, and be sure there are many of us, who didnt eat for 3-4 days, and we are jacked af, we lost ZERO muscles. thats a hard example of how crazy hard it its for any homosapiens to loose any muscle. you would need to be deprived not only of food, carbs, fats, but your own fat deposits. i am not selling jacks sht here, i am waiting my time on someone i dont know, who will be crazy grateful once he implement all the stuff i am talking about here. i have made superb gainz, with just 2 meals per day, carbs recycling (that comes naturally, eat as much as you need) 2+ hours of training dips, pushups, pullups, tuck lever pullups, squats, my own body as weight, in a park near my house, days and days in a row. i have 50+ friends training with me during the last 13 years, and most of those guys have made superb gainz ,without any steroids, supplement, or gym. you guys need to rethink all you think you know, and start making those connections in your brain from the ground up, cause you have been lied to for way too long, now those neurons in your brain need to unwire the false info and rewire to a good one. also, one thing to say to all the haters. naturally, you can have SUPERB torso OR superb legs. you cannot have both, since you need all you can give in one day for one or the other. i myself at times ,have decent legs, and superb torso, for both you need time and energy, anything below 7 days a week, and more after, of workouts of just torso, and you will not get as developed in your torso, and you want legs as well, if you do legs few times per week, you can look decent but your torso will not look near as good as it could. i managed to fix the problem and have decent legs and superb torso, by training everyday everything, for 2 weeks in a row, sometimes more, without a rest day. again not enough stimulans for great legs, but enough for decent, and enough for superb torso. if you want gainz like brad pit in fight club, than splits in the gym is all you need. 1.5h per day, good exercise that you will repeat after almost total recovery. but that will not give you much body mass. just some proportions. if you want more, you need to break those metabolites every day. i will not read comments from underdeveloped folks or fake natties, i hate steroid abuser and i think most people are very very lazy. training splits and taking some steroids is a workout regime for a kid not a grown man. its lazy and those results are not from a hard work and dedications. first video ive published on this profile here, is my own body moments from 1.5ago. PLEASE dont go on steroids for my kind of build. go for arnolds if you wanna compete, but not for kind some of these guys from Hollywood have. its stupid.
Growth happens when you get optimal sleep. So misleading
Low carb whole food unprocessed diet works long term and easy to do. Moderate exercise with 2-3x resistance sessions a week is key.
Most of these A list actors took massive amounts of expensive illegal steroids and already had genetics. Arnold was huge naturally at 15 and he is like 0.1% of the population. Everyone can get fit naturally with good diet, moderate exercise and sleep.
HGH was banned because kids were taking it and people cheating in races.. but people over 40 should be allowed to take it.. it has very good effects on the vascular system and muscles bones etc.. it sends the liver the ability to make stems cells.. but all over your body not just to one point like you can pay handsomely for in clinics..
Good Job !
Obama's White House chef clearly looking like he injects a whole bathtub of steroids every week and still claiming it's because he sleeps 2 hours a day and does 2000 push-ups every morning is a cherry on top of the Obama administration. It's all bullshit and we don't even try to hide it. No integrity on any level.
they all do steroids too