Try our featured tune: “Spent” by The Quadroholics! If there’s one factor this musical …
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Which of these caught you off guard? Let us know in the comments.
Check out our featured song: "Spent" by The Quadroholics!
Most artist wanted Al to paradoy them it was a sign you made it into same almost tier of Micheal Jackson.
I don't remember Who said it, but it's been quoted "When Weird Al parodies your song, you know you've hit it big"
I absolutely love how Weird Al doesn't need anyone's permission to parody their songs but out of respect he asks if he can which is just awesome of him
The EGO of the people who have a problem with being parodied by Weird Al is just idiotic.
Weird AL has always been ahead of his time.
Weird al is a great singer and did alot of awesome parodies that was hilarious.😁
You would think that by now, artists would realize that the parody would lead listeners back to the original for comparison, increasing their own audience
The thing about Al and his parodies is that, because of the Fair Use law, he is not required to get permission to do any parody of any song. But because Yankovic is respectful of the artists' wishes, he gets their permission first so that there is not any bad blood between them. The only times this isn't the case is when there is a misunderstanding and/or miscommunication between Al/his agents and the artists or their respective representatives.
did not knew him before "Weird" movie xD after that movie i had to google, that this was based on true singer.
You know your song is a hit when Weird Al does a parody.
Maddoga is arrogant as fuck hate her with a passion
Hey, that was funny with Eminem because he was already doing that himself. So give Weird Al his props he doubled up on Em so Al won that match up from the start
Al !!!
Little off topic…
Coolio's most famous song…. literally the only song of his ive ever heard in my life 😂
It's shamillonair lml not comillion lmfao
Basically, the only song that was hated because of it's content was Amish paradise. Funny thing is that Gangstas Paradise already WAS a cover / ripp-off. The original was Past Days Paradise, from Stevie Wonder!!
Weird Al is a genius. His movie "Weird – The Al Yankovic Story" was So good!!!
Pretty sure he asks the "talent" before doing a version
2:21 Didn't Coolio basically take the song from Stevie Wonder?
The rumor I heard in high school was that Coolio tried to sue Weird Al over Amish Paradise only for Stevie Wonder to come out of the woodwork and told Coolio that if he didn't drop the lawsuit against Al for "Amish Paradise", then Wonder would sue Coolio for his song "Gangster's Paradise".
Because "Gangster's Paradise" is also parody.
Of Stevie Wonder's song "Past time Paradise".
Weird Al is one of the most humble, genuine, and talented people you will ever meet. Even though he is not required by law to ask for permission to make a parody, he does it anyway. As with MJ, there are the occasional songs that the artists do not want parodied. Prince had a similar thing as MJ did with "Black or White," but I don't remember which songs were on the "please don't parody me" list. I also had the good fortune to be one of his extras on stage at a live show many years ago… one of the Stormtroopers as he performed "The Saga Begins." He takes care of all of the extras at each of these shows too.
There was a time when Ammish Paradise was getting more plays then Gangster's Paradise on the Box and I Looooved that
In defence of Al against Coolio too, it isn't Coolio's song either. Coolio just sung of 'Pasttime Paradise' by Stevie Wonder then got mad at Al for doing the same thing
Coolio didn't even write Gangsters Paradise. He ripped it off from Stevie Wonder. Oh, I mean sampled. LOL
And yet, I have a copy of "you're Pitiful".
The one I'm still having trouble getting a hold of is "Chicken Pot Pie" because Sir Paul with his aggressively eat no meat stance has forbidden Al from releasing it. Still, Al does play it at live performances.
Coolie O cannot deny that the fact is, Weird Al always gets prior permission to parody a song and there are always royalties given to the original artist.
That is why Madonna and other artists went along with the gag.
Coolie O just wanted to bring some heat to pump up the royalties.
Kinda surprising that James Blunt is against the parody, that dude usually has a great sense of humour…
Maybe Vader someday later now he's just a small fry. ☺